Blog Entry #7

Madison Bauer
1 min readNov 30, 2020

Let’s meditate. Try this mindfulness exercise. Then, write about your experience.

I have never meditated before doing this exercise. Before I did it, I read over the entire article to see what I should try to pick up on and what I should be trying to look for. While doing the activity, I did not particularly feel any type of want or uncontrollable urge to use my phone. I will be the first to admit that I spend a lot of time on my phone sometimes, however it is used in my free time and I know when to put it away when I need to focus on something. I did the breathing exercise for around three minutes and I had multiple notifications pop up while doing it. Some were from social media and others were from games. I did not really feel anything when I saw these. I knew that these would be there later and I knew that it would not affect me negatively if I didn’t check them right away. Overall, I would not say that I am addicted to my phone. I think that I like my phone and I like the things that I can do on my phone. I am fully capable of leaving my phone in another room or not bringing it somewhere. I would however prefer to have my phone with me, it makes me comfortable knowing that safety is just a call away in a time of an emergency.

